Baptist Pioneers in Slovakia
The first reports of Luther’s activities and his writings were
brought into Slovakia by merchants just after his public debate with
Johann Eck in 1519. His first supporters were among German burghers in
the larger towns of central and eastern Slovakia. In 1521, T. Preisner
of Ľubica read Luther’s Ninety-five Theses from his pulpit. The
ecclesiastical hierarchy and the lesser Hungarian nobles approved a
decree in April 1523 that „all Lutherans and those favoring
them…should have their property confiscated and themselves punished
with death as heretics and foes of the Holy Saint Virgin Mary.“ However,
the Turkish victory at the battle of Mohács, August, 29, 1526, in which
the Hungarians lost their army, their king, two archbishops and five
bishops made enforcement of this decree difficult. In the 1530’s and
1540’s, Lutheranism was adopted by many of the towns of central and
eastern Slovakia. During this same period, Anabaptists began to appear
in Slovakia. First in the mining towns of central Slovakia and in the
towns of Spiš (Levoča, Spišska Nová Ves, Švedlár). One of the best known
Anabaptist preachers in Slovakia was Andrej Fischer who was executed
for his faith by being thrown from the castle of Krásna Hôrka in 1539.
In 1547, Anabaptists that were expelled from Bohemia began to settle in
western Slovakia. Soon their numbers swelled to several thousand. They
were given the name „Habáni“ taken from the German word „haushaben.“
They led an autonomous existence led by the „Servant of the Word.“ They
were masters in making pottery, built water systems, mills and excelled
in the arts of medicine. By 1570, the Reformation had the broad support
of the entire territory of Slovakia. The Lutheran reformation spread
rapidly throughout the Slovak and German population, while the
Hungarians adopted the Calvinist reform movement. At the beginning of
the 17th century, three-fourths of the ethnic Slovaks were Protestants.
Yet during the dark days that followed, the Hapsburg rulers released a
furious persecution designed to force the Slovaks back into the Roman
Catholic faith. From 1659 to 1681, Slovak Protestants had 900 of their
churches seized by force of arms by the Roman Catholic Hapsburgs. In
1674 alone, 284 Lutheran and 52 Calvinist pastors were brought to
Preßburg (Bratislava) to be condemned for their faith. Two-thirds of
those pastors agreed to be exiled. The remaining 93 pastors were
tortured and imprisoned. Later, 42 of them were sent to die as slaves on
Spanish galleons. These actions led to a revolt in 1680 which forced
Emperor Leopold I to call a diet in 1681 granting limited rights to
Protestants and to allow them to have not more than two churches in a
county. This was revoked within a short time and a new wave of
anti-Protestant activity occurred. Even more churches were seized by
open military force and Protestants were publicly tortured and/or put to
death. In 1691, Leopold imposed new restrictions upon the Protestants
in reference to baptism, marriage, burial, and education. This pressed
Protestants to revolt in 1703-1711. When the revolt was crushed by the
Hapsburg forces, there remained no more freedoms for Protestants. The
remaining Anabaptists fled or were forced to received Roman Catholic
baptism. There would be no more toleration for the Protestant faith
until 1781 when Joseph II issued a limited toleration edict.
the 19th century, ethnic tension intensified as nationalism began to
sweep central Europe following the dissolving of the Holy Roman Empire
in 1806 and Napoleon’s march across Europe to Moscow. The revolt of 1848
led to the compromise of 1867 which created the dual Austro-Hungarian
monarchy. Austria and Hungary were separate states, each with its own
constitution, government, and language. The two states were united by a
common monarch who was emperor in Austria and king in Hungary. This
produced a period of growth and an austere building in Budapest which
was newly united into one city in 1872.
Heinrich Meyer, a
Baptist colporteur, came to Budapest in 1873. After 10 years of
evangelistic work, he had baptized 629 German speaking people. One such
German speaking person was Johann Tatter, a 30-year old smith from
Ľubica near Kežmarok, who went to Budapest to find work as an
iron-monger. He was led to salvation in Christ Jesus through the
ministry of Meyer who baptized Tatter in the Danube River at Budapest in
1875. In 1875-76, several more German workers from Kežmarok area were
baptized in Budapest by Pastor Meyer. Meyer later went to the Spišský
area of Slovakia at their invitation. There he baptized several new
believers. Johann Tatter, the first Baptist from Slovakia, also became
the first colporteur in Slovakia. A Czech-German named Václav Brož
(Wenzel Brosch), who was working as a tanner in Kežmarok, heard the
preaching of Meyer at the home of a German Baptist and became a believer
as well. He and his wife were baptized April, 26, 1880.
left his job in Kežmarok because he did not believe it was right to
work on Sunday. He and his family moved to Liptovský Mikulaš where he
worked as a master tanner. He invited many acquaintances, neighbors, and
fellow workers into his home for Bible study. Brož invited Michal
Blišťan, a tailor from Vavrišovo, to attend. Later Blišťan, a Lutheran,
and his wife, who was a Catholic, opened their home in Vavrišovo for
Bible reading with three other couples. On April, 13, 1882, Heinrich
Meyer baptized Michal Blišťan, Blišťan’s wife, and ten other new
believers. One of those baptized was Ján Medľa, a shoemaker who was
later to become pastor of the church in Vavrišovo. The little group of
Baptist believers began meeting in the Orech family home. Václav Brož
served as their pastor without pay. On July, 17, 1882, they celebrated
their second baptism service where two women publicly declared their
faith in Christ. The following year, they baptized two couples from
Vavrišovo. In 1884, fourteen people were led to Christ. In that same
year, they sent two brick-layers, Ján Tomčík and Matej Šteuček, to
Budapest to serve as construction workers and to learn more from
Heinrich Meyer. At Meyer’s suggestion, Šteuček went on to the Baptist
seminary in Hamburg, Germany to further his training. He returned in the
summer of 1886 to Vavrišovo and was ordained by Meyer into the
ministry. There he served as pastor of the church that met in his home
for the next two years. During that time, he baptized 65 new members.
From 1882 to 1888, Vavrišovo was a mission station of the Baptist church
in Budapest
In 1886, Heinrich Nittnaus opened his home in
Bratislava for Bible reading. About 20 people of different ethnic
backgrounds came to these meetings. Brother Meyer asked Johann Tatter,
who was serving as a colporteur in the Tatras, to come to Bratislava and
encourage the little group there. One year later they had baptized five
new believers. A Baptist pastor from Žyrardów near Warsaw, Poland named
August Meereis moved to Kežmarok in 1888 and established the church
there,. He also became the pastor of the mission at Vavrišovo as well
and in that same year established it as a church.
Pastor Meereis found himself as a mission worker for several Baptist
missions. There were Lutheran people in Chvojnica who did not want to
travel so far to go to a church-house so they began to read the
Scriptures in their homes. They sought out the little group Baptists in
Bratislava and invited Brother Meereis to come to Chvojnica in 1889.
They had their first baptism in that village in July of 1890. By then,
the 64 members in Vavrišovo had completed the first Baptist church
building in Slovakia and it was opened on August 31, 1890.
the turn of the century, the group of believers in Liptovský Mikuláš
had constituted as a church and missions had been begun in Košice,
Poprad, Mengusovce, and Klenovec. Several missions were begun in the
central part of Slovakia during the first twelve years of the new
century. Some of the churches and missions built church buildings as
things became dark in the political skies over Europe. Slovak Baptists
met in Békéscsaba (in present day Hungary) February 15-16, 1914, to form
an independent Slovak Baptist Union called Bratská Jednotá Slovenských
Baptistov v Uhorsku. Four churches participated in this historic event
and Michal Kováč from the ethnic Slovak Baptist in Békéscsaba became its
first president. However, in July 1914 what started off as a regional
conflict between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Serbia, became a global
war involving 32 nations. The political leaders in Budapest supported
the Austrian war effort largely because they feared that a Russian
victory would lead to the defection of Hungary’s Slavic minorities and
the dismemberment of the country. As the conflict continued, however,
war losses, food shortages, and other privations incited intense
dissatisfaction among the people. The death of Francis Joseph in 1916,
and the succession of Emperor Charles I weakened the ties between
Hungary and Austria. Internal unrest increased steadily and Slavic
nationalism grew rapidly. The empire was officially dissolved on
November 11, 1918, and Slovakia was now a part of a new republic of
The new republic of Czechoslovakia was a
rather prosperous country because of the generous territorial boundaries
and inheriting a wealth of industrial resources from the defunct
Empire. It had a stable currency and a moderate program of land
redistribution. All of this helped the Baptists flourish even during the
postwar economic crisis and the worldwide depression that began in
1929. In 1921, the Slovak Baptists began an orphanage in Bernolákovo
which continued to care for children even through the following World
War. The Samaritan Society was formed by a group of Slovak Baptists to
help families in financial difficulties. Also in 1921, the Slovaks and
the Czech Baptists opened a seminary in Prague with some help that was
given from abroad. When the seminary opened, it had 11 teachers and 12
students. The Baptists in Bratislava began a mission outreach into the
Jewish community in 1924. Through this ministry, they witnessed the love
of Jesus Christ among the Jews. This work continued until the fascist
government in 1939 prevented the work and the Jews of Bratislava were
sent away to the death camps of Nazi occupied Poland. During this
peaceful time of the 1920’s, churches were begun in Lučenec,
Rožňava-Čučma, Bernolákovo, and Miloslavov. Many large estates were
partitioned in Czechoslovakia and ethnic Slovaks were brought in from
neighboring lands to create new farming communities. In Miloslavov, a
Baptist by the name of Juraj Stanko was responsible for such a
colonizing venture. He invited many Baptist families from Hungary,
Yugoslavia, and Poland to farm this rich land. They met for Bible study
and prayer in homes from 1921-26. In 1926, their church-house was
completed. The following year their new church-house was the meeting
place of the first conference of the Bratská jednota baptistov (United
Brethren of Baptists) in the Czechoslovak Republic.
1930’s brought years of frightful change. Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party rose
to power in Germany in 1933 and almost immediately began to make insane
demands of the Czechoslovak government. When Germany annexed Austria in
1938, the fate of the republic was sealed. As a result of the terms
worked out by Great Britain, France, Germany, and Italy (but not
Czechoslovakia) at a conference in Munich, Germany, on September 1938,
Czechoslovakia lost its western and northern borders and with them its
best fortifications and natural defenses and vast economic resources.
Poland and Hungary took advantage of the situation and carved off
sections of some long disputed territories. The fascists gained control
of government and the Germans invaded. It is not surprising that new
church starts and other Baptist work slowed to a stand still during this
period as Europe was swallowed in war.
The years immediately
following the Second World War and the subsequent ethnic cleansing
ironically caused many new church starts. Czechoslovakia exchanged large
numbers of people with Hungary and Yugoslavia after the war. Hungarians
in Czechoslovakia and Slovaks in Hungary changed places. Some of these
Slovak refugees were Baptists. Such new churches as Bratislava II in
Podunajské Biskupice (1945), Šaľa (1946), Tekovské Lužany (1947), Nové
Zámky (1947), Nesvady (1947), Bohatá (1948), Panické Dravce (1948), and
Komárno (1948) were each made up of immigrants from Hungary and
During this period major industries were
nationalized, prewar conservative political parties were banned, and
prominent anti-communists were killed or exiled. The communists took
total control of the government in 1948 and the open persecution of
believers began. In 1949, the Baptists built a camp facility on the edge
of the Tatra mountains called Račková Dolina. The building was just
completed when the communist government confiscated the property for a
camp for the State. This facility was kept as State property until 1994
when it was returned to the Baptists. The government returned the
building in bad need of repair. The communist government confiscated the
building of the Baptist orphanage in Bernolákovo. The building was then
used by the government as a medical clinic. Only in 1996 was the
building finally returned to the ownership of the Baptists. The
communist government also closed the Baptist seminary in Prague during
the repressive times surrounding 1952. Baptist seminary students then
had to use the Evangelical Seminary (operated by the Lutheran and Reform
churches) in Prague or the Lutheran Seminary in Bratislava.
Baptists had begun a small magazine for the Baptist Union called
„Rozsievač“ (The Sower) back in 1914. The Communist government refused
permission to publish this magazine in the repressive period of 1952.
Later, during the Prague Spring of 1968, the Baptist youth of Bratislava
church began a youth newsletter called „Sonda“ (The Probe) which
rekindled the desire in Baptists to have their own publication again. In
1969, „Rozsievač“ began to be published again United Brethren of
Baptists in Czechoslovakia.
From 1949 to 1954, atheistic
governmental pressure upon the Church was very powerful and unrelenting.
Several Baptist leaders were arrested and imprisoned for their faith
such as Michal Kešjar, Vladimír Kovač, Juraj Kovačík, and Ján Miháľ.
Being a believer or having active believers for one’s parents would keep
a person out of college and many positions of management in the job
market. Several Baptist churches were closed for varied lengths of time.
Sunday schools were illegal. Each church had government paid informers
in attendance. The Baptist Union came under the watchful eye of the
police and pastors became the employees of the State. Sadly, some of the
regulations of that totalitarian government to centralize Baptist
polity and control the local churches have been maintained by the
Baptists even after the fall of communism. Alexander Dubček, who was a
Slovak and the general secretary of the Communist party in 1968,
recognized that radical changes were necessary to prevent major
catastrophe in the country. During the following months, called „Prague
Spring,“ his government guaranteed freedom of speech, press, assembly,
and religion. They also agreed to the restoration of persons unjustly
convicted in the period of 1949 to 1954; and promised federal status for
Slovakia. About 600,000 troops from the neighboring Soviet block
nations invaded Czechoslovakia and arrested Dubček. The reforms were
scrapped and Soviet troops occupied Czechoslovakia until the fall of
communism in 1989.
After the „Velvet Revolution,“ Baptists
began to stand up and shake off the terror of the past forty years. At
the time of the fall of communism, Baptists had nine churches in
Slovakia. At the time of this writing, there are fifteen Baptist
churches. Bratislava III began in 1992 when 23 members left Bratislava I
and began a separate work. This church has aimed much of their ministry
at those who are enslaved by drugs. Growth in that church has been very
rapid. Missions have begun in Levice and Veľký Krtíš through a new
emphasis in outreach. The church in Lučenec is reaching into the local
high schools and getting their members active in evangelism. Slovak
Baptists are now very active in such organizations as Trans World Radio,
Prameň Nádeje, Ježiš pre Každého, and the Evangelical Alliance. Two
young Slovak Baptist ladies served on ship Logos II. Annually, teenagers
are trained by members of the Slovak Baptist Mission Board and sent on
mission activities among ethnic Slovaks in Yugoslavia. There are Baptist
youth conferences held twice a year. Some Slovakian Baptist churches
are reaching out through tent crusades, ESL summer camps, sports
evangelism, and youth conferences. In fall of 1994, the United Brethren
of Baptists signed a partnership with Southern Baptists of Virginia to
put together their resources to make the Gospel known throughout
Craig S. Averill & Pavel Kopčok (1998)
Podľa publikácie – Niesli svetlo evanjelia (1988)